While many businesses have already joined the Bitcoin revolution by accepting bitcoin payments, many are still hesitant to make the jump. They are afraid that with Bitcoin’s volatility, they may end up essentially giving their products or services for free. What this means is that they think they are going to get shortchanged if the price in bitcoin drops and would, therefore, lose all their profits. But this is absolutely not the case! In this article, you’ll find out exactly why you shouldn’t miss out on accepting bitcoin payments.
1 – Instant Bitcoin Conversion To Your Local Currency
Bitcoin’s volatility is a business owner’s biggest concern. But with payment gateways like BitPay and Coinbase, you can easily bypass Bitcoin’s volatility. These services will instantly convert your bitcoin payments into your local currency which you’ll receive in your bank account the following business day. This means that if your customer paid you $100 worth of bitcoins, then you’re going to get exactly $100 in your bank account.
2 - No Chargebacks. Ever.
One of the most common things business owners hate with credit card payments is the very real threat of receiving a chargeback. Some customers are just fickle-minded and dishonest. They would file chargebacks for the smallest reasons like they’re not happy with the color they got, or they regretted the purchase, or something similar. But with bitcoin payments, you don’t need to worry about chargebacks because all bitcoin transactions, once verified by the Bitcoin network, are final and irreversible. This means those bitcoins you’ve received are yours (unless of course, you chose to have them instantly converted to dollars).
3 – No Costly Processing Fees
Credit cards are widely accepted worldwide, and merchants like receiving payments from anyone with a valid card. While credit cards are convenient, there are fees that merchants need to pay. Credit card fees can range anywhere from 3% to 4% per transaction plus another few cents for each transaction made. If you receive card payments from 99% of your customers, you’re basically paying a small fortune in credit card fees!
With bitcoin payments, the transaction fees you have to pay are nowhere near what you pay the credit card companies. In fact, the fees are practically negligible as they essentially come down to just a few thousand Satoshis (1 Satoshi = 0.00000001 bitcoin) or a few cents!