Video Sales Letter Zombie
Creating a sales letter that will convert is tricky. There are so many things that can go wrong, from your headline to your graphics to your bullet points and so much more. It’s no wonder a lot of products seem to convert so terribly! This is especially true when people who have no experience with writing sales copy try to write their own.
Most people are content to just be a sales letter zombie. They look at their dismal sales and shrug and say, “I guess people don’t like my product.”
This kind of complacency is a real killer in business. If you’re content to wonder why your product isn’t selling, then you’re already doomed to fail. Don’t let this be you!
It’s time to wake up to the world of video sales letters, the latest (and greatest) trend in sales pages!
Video sales letters often convert several times better than standard sales letters, even if you use the same basic sales copy and techniques! Why? Because it’s a lot more personal when people can hear your voice and maybe even see your face. And there are other reasons. Even if you don’t want to appear on camera, just hearing a voice actor can make a huge difference.
So let’s find out how you can get started with your own video sales letters!